The prejudice and discrimination against ethnic minorities: a psycho-social disorder

The prejudice and discrimination against ethnic minorities: a psycho-social disorder


  • Rudecindo Ramírez González Universidad de La Guajira


discrimination, whites, psychology, ethnic minorities


This article covers the analysis of the attitude of whites against ethnic discrimination. Returns data of a research conducted during the year 2004 with the title of “the linguistic and social interrelation of two linguistic communities in the city of Riohacha”, data that were updated in 2009. It focuses on the situation in which minorities are treated unfavorably because way of belonging to a social group different. There are differences between concepts related to groups dominant and dominated; addresses, likewise, case of ethnic discrimination in urban area and examines situation of alteration of behavior in the light of the theory of psychology. Identifies some psycho-social effects of the action of members of indigenous groups to discriminate on individuals. Finally, alternatives and guidelines of the rise of discrimination against ethnic minorities are presented.


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How to Cite

Ramírez González , R. (2019). The prejudice and discrimination against ethnic minorities: a psycho-social disorder. Entretextos, 13(24), 27–35. Retrieved from