Documentary elimination: a technological strategy for the management of official documents
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Gestión Documental
Pérdida de Valor

How to Cite

Gómez Mejía , N., Vargas Escorcia , J., Peñaranda Pinto , E., & Romero Acuña, M. (2017). Documentary elimination: a technological strategy for the management of official documents. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 4(1), e052. Retrieved from


his article shows the methods of elimination of administrative documents in public institutions at the territorial level. Incorporating a set of elements of analysis that justify the need to focus on documentary elimination, according to the functions of each agency and the need to establish communication structures, for decision making. Reason for which a research of descriptive, field and projective type was carried out since this one seeks to outline the characteristics or attributes of the study variable Documentary Management. Likewise, it implied using systematic criteria to show the structure or behavior of the evaluated aspects. Consequently, this research and its subsequent proposal of implementation, seeks that both internal and external users of public institutions at the territorial level, find concrete solutions to the problems of document management, and become an effective help for all servers Publics that have to delete documents in the different public institutions of the territorial level, and thus obtaining the maximum informational benefit of the available documentation thus obtain the maximum informational benefit of the documents that are processed. Demonstrating that documentary elimination is an effective aid for day-to-day management.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2017 Norberto Gómez Mejía , José Vargas Escorcia , Elkis Peñaranda Pinto , Miguel Romero Acuña


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