The mapuche conflict and the crisis of the State: a reading of public institutions

The mapuche conflict and the crisis of the State: a reading of public institutions


  • Francisca Salas Aguayo École Polytechnique de Paris



Mapuche people, ILO convention 169, Conflict, Terrorism


The ratification of ILO Convention 169 exposes one of the difficulties that the Concertación and post-military governments in Chile have faced with indigenous peoples, particularly the Mapuche. This article argues that the current Mapuche conflict is a reflection of the central problem of governments during the transition period in dealing with certain social demands, when these clash with the economic model and development projects. This situation has changed drastically with the social protests of 2019 and the constituent convention process. From this research we intend to clarify how the indigenous conflict in its first bases goes through another axis that should again become part of the political-legal debate, that is, to resolve the crisis of legitimacy suffered by Chilean public institutions, in the light of the situation unfolded above. We will argue why ILO Convention Nº169 does not in itself resolve the Mapuche conflict, which has gone from being outside the State to being part of its foundations; thus, in our opinion, the solution lies in the understanding and responsibility of political representatives that this situation is urgent, specific and challenging for democracies and their continuity.


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Author Biography

Francisca Salas Aguayo , École Polytechnique de Paris

Doctora en Ciencia política de EHESS, Magister en Ciencia Política, Universidad Paris 8, Licenciada en Filosofía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Académico del laboratorio GRICH (Grupo de Estudio de Identidades, Cultura e Historia), Escuela Politécnica de Paris.


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How to Cite

Salas Aguayo , F. (2022). The mapuche conflict and the crisis of the State: a reading of public institutions. Entretextos, 16(30), 118–138.