Existing relationships between intercultural educational practices and ethno-educational public policy in a city context
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Pulgarín Rodríguez, M., Ossa Taborda, E., Herrera Pulgarín, J., & Escobar, M. (2025). Existing relationships between intercultural educational practices and ethno-educational public policy in a city context. Entretextos, 19(36), 131–153. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14027412




Ethnoeducation as an educational policy must be considered from the constitutional principles and educational norms to coherently direct the educational act from intercultural processes. It seeks to relate intercultural educational practices aligned with current ethno-educational policy in city contexts, taking as a starting point the genesis of interculturality and ethno-educational processes in educational contexts. A qualitative methodology is proposed with an ethnographic approach with the use of the semi-structured interview and a Likert scale with indigenous and non-indigenous students to establish assessments from different forms of interculturality that are evident at the institutional level.

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