The humanities, being and becoming of cultural identity
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How to Cite

Fierro Chong, B., & García Caballero, Ángela. (2025). The humanities, being and becoming of cultural identity. Entretextos, 19(36), 27–29.



In the intersection of trends, preferences, and motivations of individuals navigating the tumultuous landscape of the third decade of the 21st century, marked by the overwhelming effects of media saturation on social networks, the education of children, adolescents, and young adults becomes increasingly complex. This complexity emphasizes the need to cultivate their best cognitive and moral qualities, spanning from early childhood through to adulthood.
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CEPAL Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Cuba (2030). Observatorio Regional de Planificación para el Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe. Disponible en:

Martin Barbero, J. (2005). Nuevos regímenes de visualidad y desentramientos, educativos, Revista de Educación, n.° 338, Bogotá, p. 70.

Martos Núñez, E. (2021). Alterliteraturas (Los 100 ojos de la Educación literaria en la era poscovid). Álabe 24., C. (2017). Pedagogías de las diferencias. Noveduc/Graó

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