Education and emancipation: Paulo Freire
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How to Cite

Méndez , J., & Morán-Beltrán , L. (2021). Education and emancipation: Paulo Freire. Entretextos, 13(25), 134–146. Retrieved from



In the life and work of Paulo Freire (1929-1997) there is a deep passion for human freedom, and at the same time, a rigorous and always renewed search for a pedagogy of emancipation. In this sense, we can say that Paulo Freire’s work goes beyond his formulations, his writings. It’s widely characterized by the uniqueness of his behavior, his life. Today, as the crisis of globalized world capitalism worsens and the numbers of the excluded and impoverished are expected to increase, there is a duty to look again at the emancipatory proposals of our best Latin American intellectuals and teachers. Freire is a citizen of the world who from his hometown, Recife, knew how to unravel the liberating sources of education.

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