Double-blind peer review

Peer review will be conducted using a double-blind system. All submissions to the journal will be reviewed by members of the national and/or international review committee with recognized professional expertise in their respective fields of research. Their opinions will not be made public. This journal will publish works reviewed using a double-blind system. This means that submissions will be sent to a minimum of two academic reviewers with relevance in the field to evaluate them according to the criteria outlined in our evaluation guide. According to the evaluation criteria, reviewers should consider the following aspects: originality, novelty, relevance, theoretical-methodological quality, formal and content structure of the work, grammatical competencies, style and clarity in writing, results, analyses, critiques, and interpretations.

Submitted works must receive positive evaluations from both reviewers to be published. If both evaluations are negative, the work will be irrevocably rejected. In cases of controversy where one evaluation is positive and the other is negative, a third evaluation will be conducted to resolve the conflict.

An email must be sent to with the following documents:

The Editorial Committee will review compliance with editorial standards and the scientific quality of the manuscript. Manuscripts that do not follow the presentation guidelines will be returned without undergoing the evaluation process. Manuscripts that meet the presentation and quality criteria will be sent to peer reviewers for evaluation. Reviewer opinions may be:

Depending on the reviewers' opinions, their comments will be sent to the corresponding author, who must return a revised version of the manuscript addressing the reviewers' comments. This revised version must be accompanied by a document responding to the reviewers' comments and justifying cases where suggestions or recommendations are not accepted. If the suggested changes are substantial, it will be at the discretion of the Editorial Committee to request a second version of the manuscript. Finally, the Editorial Committee will review the document, and the Editor-in-Chief will communicate the final acceptance of the manuscript if it meets the journal's requirements.

*Note: Copyright remains with the authors. Revista Entretextos requires the transfer of publication rights but will not attribute authorship or ownership of the research.

Publication rights will be transferred to Revista Entretextos, and only the version published by the journal (post print) may be shared without changes to its format or content. The journal, as the owner of the publication rights, will allow self-archiving and dissemination in repositories and websites of any kind as long as it is not for commercial use. The scope of this permission is outlined in the Creative Commons By Nc ND 4.0 license.
