Focus and Scope

Entretextos is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal (since 2008), initiated by the research group Aa’in - Motor Principle of Life, from the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of La Guajira, with the aim of highlighting reflections and research in progress and/or completed through an intercultural hermeneutics of knowledge and forms of knowledge currently developed, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean.



It aims to recover and insert into Latin American education, social, and human sciences a philosophical and historical re-comprehension of cultural representations that serve as a backdrop for the creation of new discursive and thought practices, with the purpose of rescinding the colonial paradigm of Modernity and making the intercultural paradigm of knowledge dialogues more inclusive.

It also seeks to stimulate the research of facts and perspectives; writing that opens new options, knowledge, and reinterpretations; the reading of emerging practices and interactions. In summary, the goal is the publication of results and discussions of local, national, and international research.


Entretextos is aimed at a specialized academic community of national and international scope connected to the field of social, human, and education sciences.

Thematic Coverage

Currently, the thematic areas linked to the editorial profiles of Entretextos include: Ethnology, Gender Studies, Political Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Discourse Semiology, Epistemologies of the South, History of Education, Indigenous Education, Pedagogy and Didactics, Ethics and Intercultural Philosophy, Linguistics, Alternative Thinking, Indigenous Languages, and Life Histories.
