Senses of education in the Afro-Chocoan people, means to analyze the education from a historical perspective with the purpose of interpreting and reflecting on it´s meanings in different moments lived by the diaspora of Black people in Chocó department. In terms of Methodology, this is a descriptive-argumentative exercise, that starts like a bibliographic review product, where the researcher makes an introspection in the history, the Afro-Colombian educational thought and in the vision of precursors of this educational conception, from and for the territory as a way to show their own epistemologies. So, this allowed to identify the presence/absence, gaps and weaknesses in the black communities’ educational processes suffered from the colony to the present. It is concluded that the struggle of Black people, submitted through exercises of epistemic submission, has education as it´s fundamental pillar. It is vision in the different moments lived reflects a need for emancipation to be and count as subjects with rights and thus being able to claim their dignity and identity. In the current historical moment, the call is to generate mechanisms of epistemic insumision, where the Afro-Chocoan are recognized for their contributions in the building of this nation.
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