Municipalized education from a comprehensive ecosophy and diatopic hermeneutics as a rhizomatic transmethod

Municipalized education from a comprehensive ecosophy and diatopic hermeneutics as a rhizomatic transmethod


  • Mireya Mirabal Rodríguez Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela



ecosophic, diatopic, Municipalized Education, transmodernity, transmethods


The research was carried out under the complex objective of analyzing the crisis of Municipalized Education from the vision of comprehensive ecosophic and diatopic hermeneutics as a rhizomatic transmethod; leaving aside the reductionist dogmas to reconstruct the knowledge and social imaginaries of said education in the light of decoloniality and complexity. Framed in the research line: educability - municipalized university education - complex social imaginaries in transmodernity in Venezuela. Investigation carried out within the framework of the Doctorate in Educational Sciences of the Latin American and Caribbean University, Caracas, Venezuela, tutored by the honoree: Dr. Milagros Elena Rodríguez, thesis that falls on its originality following the transmethods of said researcher. The crisis of Municipalized Education is still latent: scarce resources dedicated in educational policy to communities, lack of updating and continuous training, old paradigms cloistered in colonized minds, resistance to change and contact with communities, the old diatribe of separation of scientific knowledge and underground knowledge; what is more, the scientific does not take its breadth and dedication in such education, as it does in the traditional one. Coupled with the fact that compartmentalisation is still present, reducing study and educability to a mere fact of the classroom walls, with some scarce communications or projects with the communities, but the background of the old training is still present. Finally, it is a sine quanon condition that in Venezuelan universities and specifically in the UBV, there is a reform of teacher training with a high commitment to recognize and respect the complexity of the human condition of the student, taking into account significant learning product of its cultural repertoire.


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Author Biography

Mireya Mirabal Rodríguez , Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela

Doctorado en Ciencias de la educación, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe -ULAC-. Especialista en Planificación y Evaluación de la Educación, Centro de investigaciones psiquiátricas, psicológicas y sexológicas de Venezuela -CIPPSV-. Docente, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. Tesista, ULAC.


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How to Cite

Mirabal Rodríguez , M. (2022). Municipalized education from a comprehensive ecosophy and diatopic hermeneutics as a rhizomatic transmethod. Entretextos, 16(30), 69–79.