Remote education and the teaching of mathematics in times of pandemic

Remote education and the teaching of mathematics in times of pandemic


  • Jamil Suárez García Institución educativa No. 8. Maicao, Colombia.



Remote education, mathematics teaching, pandemic, COVID-19


At present, education is being complemented by technologies, through remote education, it arrives to aid the teaching and learning process, which due to the presence of the SARS-COV2 virus that produces the COVID-19 disease is not allowed that students flock to classrooms; In such a way that, a study with a qualitative approach, of a documentary type, is presented, where a compilation, reading and analysis of the different studies or work carried out was made and that relate the two categories to study, remote education and the teaching of the mathematics in times of pandemic, thus it was possible to extract the useful data for this work It should be noted that technology is an essential resource to apply remote education in the teaching of mathematics, it brings students closer to these times that COVID-19 separates us for health reasons, therefore it is recommended that teachers apply strategies, resources and tools that remote education offers today.


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How to Cite

Suárez García , J. (2021). Remote education and the teaching of mathematics in times of pandemic. Entretextos, 15(29), 30–41.