Noises from malicious overlapping. Lebenswelt and the need to re-fall in love with hospitality

Noises from malicious overlapping. Lebenswelt and the need to re-fall in love with hospitality


  • Jovino Pizzi Universidad Federal de Pelotas. Brasil.



Lebenswelt, Polifonía, Con-Vivir, Hospitalidad


This text aims to point out possible noises that affect the coexistence of a monolingual Lebenswelt. The natural attitude (natürlich eingestellt) does not form a horizon, but only isolated and reifications idealizations. The intersubjetive experience is related to living together. So, the sharing worlds means broadening horizons, a kind of flow, that is, movements between confluences meaning. The perception of worlds makes it possible to discover what is in common between them, simulating coexistence (Mitleben). And the harmony with the world of life requires an analysis of the co-living, be it at the level of communicative interactions or, moreover or, furthermore, from the pathological situations of a necrophilic inhospitality. Face with the precariousness of a fossilized bipolarity, falling in love with life supposes a hospitable conviviality, in order to guarantee the balance between the different horizons of the world of live.


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How to Cite

Pizzi , J. (2021). Noises from malicious overlapping. Lebenswelt and the need to re-fall in love with hospitality. Entretextos, 15(29), 100–114.