As Husserl announced with emphasis on the final words of his famous Vienna conference on (May 10, 1935), “the crisis of European existence has only two exits: the decadence of Europe, alienated from its own rational sense of life, [and thus] the fall into the hatred of spirit and barbarism, or the rebirth of Europe from the spirit of philosophy through a heroism of reason that will definitely outgrow naturalism” (Husserl 1991: 358). There are many elements that lead us to think that the advanced postmodern Europe -and with it also the Spanish society- continues today in that dangerous situation, characterized by a radical distrust in reason that can in the mid-term return us to barbarism. In my words I would like, 1) to first briefly describe this situation; 2) second, to outline a more open notion of rationality in terms of reasonableness; (3) thirdly, to give account of certain objections to the uniformity of reason and pluralism; and 4) to end with some practical recommendations to be more reasonable today.
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