Narrative processes as crossings in the Minimum Curriculum of the Normal Course in Rio de Janeiro

Narrative processes as crossings in the Minimum Curriculum of the Normal Course in Rio de Janeiro




narrative, teacher education, curriculum, culture


This article aims to reflect on the limitations of the minimum curriculum (2013) of the initial training of teachers in the state school system of Rio de Janeiro, from the experience as a teacher of the discipline of Pedagogical Practices and Initiation to Research (PPIP), in which the necessary internships for teacher training are organized. There is clearly, in the normative discourse, despite all Brazilian academic production in relation to curricula, the perspective of teacher education as a locus of an impossible antagonism between two biases that, by their nature, are intertwined: theory and practice. It is important to realize that the “minimum” is the list of knowledge called upon to establish an education inspired by the neoliberal approaches of the political context in which it was elaborated. It is necessary to reflect on the necessary crossings in this curriculum, in order to be able to elaborate alternatives to overcome what the normative proposes as a minimum-result, biasing the listening of narratives, as a possibility of operating an insaisissable curriculum (Certeau, 2016). The argument is that the Minimum Curriculum reproduces the expression of public education policies in the scope of the state of Rio de Janeiro, even more perverse than previous curriculum policies, because it does not disguise its biased view of Teacher Education ranked education. The proposal would be the displacement of the understanding of the pedagogical training work beyond the theory/practice dichotomy, from the narrative as a methodological device of the empirical disciplines, identified as laboratories and internships, in the Normal Course, in the perspective of curriculum production as a space for enunciation of cultures. In this context, some authors will influence the theoretical framework of this work, such as Daniel Hugo Suárez (2023), who contributes with the reflection of methodological alternatives for the listening-action of the narratives of teachers, with the assumption of the narrative process as formative and performative; and the author Iris Verena Oliveira (2020), with work with experience groups; in addition to post-structuralist conceptual links, such as 2007; 2007a).


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Author Biography

Waleska Rodrigues Costa, Rede municipal de ensino de Duque de Caxias

Mestra em Educação, Cultura e Comunicação em Periferias Urbanas (UERJ). Doutoranda em Educação (UERJ-Proped). Possui especializações em Metodologia do Ensino (UERJ) e em Psicopedagogia (UCAM). Licenciada em Pedagogia com habilitação em Supervisão Escolar pela UERJ. Possui experiência como professora da Educação Básica, com ênfase nas classes de Educação Infantil e de alfabetização em escolas localizadas em periferias urbanas, como Professora da Educação Infantil e dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. No Ensino Médio - Curso Normal, exerceu o cargo de Professora de Disciplinas Pedagógicas do Curso Normal da rede estadual de ensino do Rio de Janeiro. No Ensino Superior realizou a atividade de Tutoria Presencial das Disciplinas Fundamentos da Educação I, II e IV para Licenciaturas, oferecido pela UERJ, através da Fundação CECIERJ/Consórcio CEDERJ, no Pólo Duque de Caxias (Modalidade de Educação à Distância).


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How to Cite

Costa, W. (2024). Narrative processes as crossings in the Minimum Curriculum of the Normal Course in Rio de Janeiro . Entretextos, 18(35), 191–203.