Stigma in the ethnoeducational institutions of Bolívar
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How to Cite

Herrera Valdés, M., & Múnera Cavadías, L. (2024). Stigma in the ethnoeducational institutions of Bolívar . Entretextos, 18(35), 126–136.



The issue addressed refers to the tribal stigma of race that runs transversally in the ethno-educational institutions of the department of Bolívar, Colombia through language and reveals implicit processes of the coloniality of being in the daily interaction of teachers, students and the school community. The objective is to analyze that stigma constitutes a criterion for reflection and resignification of the participants to be aware of the language, behavior and attitudes towards others and oriented towards the deconstruction and reconstruction of the identity representations that coexist in the classroom. The methodology corresponds to a qualitative case study approach whose scope is densely descriptive based on two categories of analysis of interviews with teachers and students. In conclusion, it is stated that stigma subordinates the other based on the coloniality of the being, affecting emotional interaction in ethno-educational communities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Martha Ligia Herrera Valdés; Liris Múnera Cavadías


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