Gramsci and Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations

Gramsci and Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations




Gramsci, Education for Ethnic-racial Relations, teaching


In addressing this topic, I consider an excerpt from my master's thesis in the final stage of development, where one of the sections addresses Antônio Gramsci's concepts intertwined with state logics and their effects in the educational field. Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations (ERER) appears on the Brazilian scene after the 3rd United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance in 2001, when national black movements confront the government situational to engage with anti-racist issues through affirmative action. This tension leads to the promulgation of law 10,639/2003 with the following text: “In primary and secondary education establishments, both official and private, the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture becomes mandatory.” (BRAZIL, 2003). Later, in 2008, the same text included the mandatory teaching of indigenous history and culture in schools (Law 11,645/2008). The correlation between ERER and Gramsci is studied from anti-racist consultancies offered to large companies with training-educational intentions. The writing is developed through the Gramscian concepts of: Private Apparatus of Hegemony (APH), historical block, ideology and sociability of capital, where I seek to understand the nuances of phenomena mediated by the new sociability of capital in corporations that seek to address diversity and inclusion in your workforce. Is it possible to have diversity within capitalism? Does the inequality advocated by the socioeconomic model allow for this coexistence? Does Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, presupposing horizontal relations of teaching and learning, come close to the training practices of anti-racist consultants within business spaces? They are questions that guide the intended scientific analysis, in the search to understand the current socio-historical context in its dialectical dimensions stressed by new racial entries in spaces of power, in the very recent past, exclusively occupied by whiteness.


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Author Biography

Dayana Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Maestra en Educación - UNIRIO. Miembra de GEASur - Grupo de Estudos em Educação Ambiental Desde del Sur e miembra externa de COLEMARX: Coletivo de Educação e Marxismos - GT Formación de Profesor. Militante/Activista de movimientos negros y educativos. Investigador-estudiante en Educación para las Relaciones Étnico-Raciales. Estudiante de intelectuales de lo marxismo, como: Marx, Lukács, Gramsci y Althusser (otros) en campo de las subjetividades y Educación.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, D. (2024). Gramsci and Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations. Entretextos, 18(35), 77–87.