Information security in the information sharing in supply chains
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information security
information sharing
supply chain
information leakage

How to Cite

Azabache Santos, J., Angeles Piedra, N., & Mendoza De los Santos, A. (2023). Information security in the information sharing in supply chains. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 10(1), e8091879.


In today's world, the information sharing in the supply chains of organizations is increasingly necessary, due to the great benefits of reducing costs and establishing much more beneficial relationships for the organization. For organizations it is essential to share information and data in a selective way, but at the same time it is more complex. Information leakage makes it difficult to share information, which hurts productivity, profits, trust and competitiveness. The objective of this article is to determine the current situation and the importance of information security in information leakage in the information sharing in supply chains. For this reason, a systematic review was carried out based on the PRISMA methodology, mainly covering information that is between the years 2018 and 2022. Where it was found that not only is the privacy of information maintained through technological solutions, such as blockchain and sophisticated access controls, it is also done by maintaining conscious environments in information security culture. Concluding that information security has become a key element for the optimization of information sharing, ensuring that organizations have confidence in the operational performance that their supply chain can obtain, maintaining or even improving its resilience.
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Copyright (c) 2023 José Azabache Santos, Nelson Angeles Piedra, Alberto Mendoza De los Santos


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