Digital Intervention for Active Aging: Design of a Web Application for Older Adults
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Active Aging
Web Application Design
Cognition in Older Adults
Participatory Design
Human-Computer Interaction

How to Cite

Baena-Navarro, R., Macea-Anaya, M., Primera-Correa, O., & Pérez-Díaz, J. (2024). Digital Intervention for Active Aging: Design of a Web Application for Older Adults . Ciencia E Ingeniería, 11(1), e12548244.


Population aging is accelerating globally, with the expectation that the number of people over 60 will double by 2050, reaching 2.1 billion. This phenomenon, coupled with increased longevity due to advances in health, education, and declining fertility rates, presents unique challenges and opportunities for society. In this context, designing digital interventions that promote active and healthy aging becomes a priority. This work proposes the initial development of a web application designed to support memory in older adults, applying a holistic approach that integrates knowledge from various disciplines. The application is based on principles of accessibility, usability, and user-centered design, aiming not only to improve cognition but also to provide a tool that facilitates social inclusion and enhances the quality of life for older adults. By focusing on accessibility and inclusive design, this project directly contributes to technological intervention strategies in the field of aging, marking a step forward in the development of solutions that effectively meet the needs of a growing population.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Rubén Baena-Navarro, Mario Macea-Anaya, Ober Primera-Correa, Juan Pérez-Díaz


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