Feasibility study for creating a plant production of coal in briquets Albania Guajira
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Feasibility study

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Mendoza G., Y., Castañeda C. , J., Barros U., E., & Jiménez V, R. (2017). Feasibility study for creating a plant production of coal in briquets Albania Guajira. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 2(1), e019. Retrieved from http://revistas.uniguajira.edu.co/rev/index.php/cei/article/view/e019


A feasibility study for the creation of a production pilot based briquette coal in the municipality of Albania, La Guajira plant was performed. The type of research was exploratory, and the target populations were mainly villages and companies that use charcoal in their processes. The best place to locate the pilot processing plant briquettes was the road to Cerrejón 0.5 Km; because of the good condition of transport routes and proximity to raw materials. The economic and financial evaluation is determined from the net present value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the interest rate Opportunity (TIO) in order to meet profitability, feasibility and the degree of risk by investors. The results indicated an acceptable demand for the product (charcoal briquettes) by the population and other industrial entities. The provider responsible for supplying most inputs for the production of coal briquettes is the Cerrejón coal complex; it is projected that the machinery and equipment used for the production of briquettes are supplied by the company Bricarbón briquettes Antioquia SA In general this research is feasible not only from the social and economic but also from an environmental point of view, because it will help reduce the air pollution caused by volatile material that is currently generated by burning wood as the charcoal.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2015 Yoma Mendoza G., Jonathan Castañeda C. , Elsa Barros U., Randy Jiménez V,


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