Mathematical modeling of a robotics manipulator with 3DoF using Matlab
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How to Cite

Velásquez, S., & Luces, J. (2017). Mathematical modeling of a robotics manipulator with 3DoF using Matlab. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 1(2), e015. Retrieved from


In this article we study and develop the necessary process for the making of mathematical modeling about a robotic anthropomorphous manipulator with three grades of degrees, starting of a process of analytical nature like it is the parameterization of Denavit-Hartenberg which synthetizes in a data table some parameters that allow express of standard manner the geometry of the robotic manipulators in general. This table, is knows it like “parameters D-H table”, is the start information for modeling, whether the process to follow is analytical, as computational. In this section, it is develop with support of «Damarob toolbox» installed in the software base Matlab, calculates the kinematics direct model, through which was possible to see the movement of manipulator in simulation, in addition to obtain the analytical data through symbolical matrices. Once realizing the characterization of the model is created, with the carrying to the simulations was possible establish conclusions

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Copyright (c) 2014 Sergio Velásquez, Jesús Luces


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