Modeling and simulation on continuous time of the biphasic separation system V-41101A/B
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Horizontal Biphasic Separator
PID Controller
Mathematical Model

How to Cite

Velásquez, S., Díaz , Ángela, Rozas , A., Velásquez , R., & Romero , H. (2017). Modeling and simulation on continuous time of the biphasic separation system V-41101A/B. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 1(2), e014. Retrieved from


This paper presents the modeling and simulation on continuous-time of the control loops of the biphasic separation system V-41101A/B of Processing Fluids Centre of the mixed company Petrourica S.A, which is responsible of the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons on the Junin 4 block for the Orinoco Oil Belt (OOB). Using a projective research, mathematical models of control loops for the Horizontal Biphasic Separator were developed for a future implementation on Matlab using the Simulink resource. The implemented models allowed the estimation of the system behavior in front a perturbation of fluids composition from field, giving as result a stable control loops with PID controllers of fast responses, low error steady state and overshoot less than 10%.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2014 Sergio Velásquez, Ángela Díaz , Axel Rozas , Ronny Velásquez , Henry Romero


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