Volumetric reduction of solid plastic waste (PET, PEAD and PEBD), applying a method gives shaped handcrafted
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Volumentric reduction
Shaped handcrafted
solid plastic residues
percentage of reduction
effective method

How to Cite

Morales Soto, D., Jiménez Araujo, L., & Salazar Barrios, J. (2014). Volumetric reduction of solid plastic waste (PET, PEAD and PEBD), applying a method gives shaped handcrafted. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 1(1), e007. Retrieved from http://revistas.uniguajira.edu.co/rev/index.php/cei/article/view/e007


There was studied the volumetric reduction of three types of solid plastic residues (RSP), polietilentereftalato PET, polyethylene of high density PEAD and polyethylene of low density PEAB, on having been submitted to a process of shaped handcrafted applying temperature of 90 °C and a pressure of 58800 Pa, I take a volume 10 mL to determine the densities of the RSP, and volumes of processing sample of 574 mL for the PET and 480 for the PEAD, PEBD and mixture PET/PEBD. The values of the percentage of reduction were 65.9 for PET, 76.1 for the PEAD. 65.8 for the PEBD and 90.7 for the mixture PET/PEBD, that on having been extrapolated to the generation of RSP worldwide I estimate a percentage of RSP's reduction of 66 % for the PET, 76.1 % for the PEAD and 65.6 % for the PEAB. Demonstrating that shaped handcrafted is an effective method in the volumetric reduction of solid plastic residues.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2014 Diana Morales Soto, Laura Jiménez Araujo, Jairo Salazar Barrios


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