Intertextuality in Contemporary Visual Culture in Visual Studies from the Perspectives of Barthes, Fisher, and Baudrillard
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visual culture

How to Cite

Ponce Díaz, R., & Ávila González, I. (2025). Intertextuality in Contemporary Visual Culture in Visual Studies from the Perspectives of Barthes, Fisher, and Baudrillard. Entretextos, 19(36), 63–79.



We aspire to explore intertextuality in contemporary visual culture from Visual Studies. Intertextuality has gone beyond being a tactic, becoming a key characteristic of the image in the 21st century. It will be addressed as an essential semiotic system in visuality and we will propose a theoretical resource accessible to students at intermediate and higher levels. We will start from Benjamin's proposals on the massification of images and we will approach him from Barthes, Baudrillard and Fisher. We will use everyday examples, such as cinema and video games, to facilitate the understanding of intertextuality and its contemporary implications.
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