Sense of live: the semantic spirality of stories and the origin of native words
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significados de vida
fluir semántico

How to Cite

Mercado Epieyu, R. (2024). Sense of live: the semantic spirality of stories and the origin of native words. Entretextos, 18(34), 134–161.



These woven words are for the Colombian and the world natives’ brothers, to that brothers they are interested in deepening their knowledge about the words they pronounce in their native language, the amazing wisdom of the grandparents too. The sound of every word that our elders  pronounce, contain  that life sense that narrate about be  indigenous, and be wayúu, this is where this analysis  become relevant, of the sound  of every words, which says  in the native language, in this case the wayuu language  called wayuunaiki,  refers to the semantic flow contained in every  unit of articulation of a consonant with a vowel or geminated vowel as well as  it is diphthong, o different vowels, we have the case of the expression of the word /ei/ that means mothers, and  to say /my mother/ it writes /tei/  where the consonant /T/ indicates belonging or possession.  The words as an unit apparently individual, when  get analyses every sound based on the meaning of cultural facts that enounce in the origin stories, is here when begins that  semantic flow to finding that sense of life, for reach that maturity of study analysis of the native word,  its important to have a broad knowledge about the origin narratives, and keep the activity of walking the territories in every  geography place  and weave that dialogues  about sacred  stories with the differents sages that they  are completely monolingual , the bilingual are sages who have been castrated for the university education. Sense of life is a creative proposal that permits explain and share our vision and this way proposes another way to writing for the revitalization of the native word and the cultural concepts.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael Segundo Mercado Epieyu


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