Depression and mood-congruent memory in university students
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Araujo Zúñiga, H., & Velandia Arias, C. (2024). Depression and mood-congruent memory in university students. Entretextos, 18(34), 183–200.



A mood-congruent memory effect has been observed in depressed subjects, but the findings are mixed for explicit and implicit memory. In order to analyze the relationships between depression and the biases of each mnemonic modality, a correlational study was designed for a sample of students from the Law program of a public university. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and specific tasks for each type of memory were used, finding a weak and significant correlation between depressed mood and the explicit recall of negatively charged words, as well as evidence contrary to the approach of a congruent mnemonic bias. The relationships of these variables with age, sex and economic dependency raise new questions that are discussed together with the implications of the results and relevant factors for their understanding.
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