The objective was to analyze the opportunity of implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Declaration from shared interests as a strategy for the maintenance of actions that help solve specific problems in an organized system of the agents involved, to prevent damage to the environment and promote socio-environmental responsibility in the context of the tourism model of Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico. The method used to collect the data aimed at shedding light on the implementation of the agreements was qualitative. The sample was for convenience, since the availability of government officials, businessmen and community leaders was considered, the latter playing a key role as a social base for its implementation. The findings suggest that tourism has limits in terms of the implementation of agreements, unless citizens, decision-makers and private companies are involved to work on strategies that promote a more environmentally responsible tourism activity. Finally, it is concluded that the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Declaration are agreements that can be applied locally to improve Acapulco's tourism, only greater political will is needed to achieve it.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roberto Emiliano Rico-Carrillo, Juan Camilo Cardona-Castaño, Ana Yolanda Rosas-Acevedo