It is made available to the academic and scientific community, it is a fabric that arises from several encounters with the 'Outshii' in 'Wüinpümüin' "towards the path of the waters", before and during the development of the political project of the extreme north zone from Alta Guajira. With this begins a series of activities leading to the strengthening of organizational processes that nurture the assumption of “territorial and localized pedagogies” to detect knowledge in its symbolic and natural state; An endogenous vision is described about the methods used by spiritual doctors, the main direct authors recognized territorially for their natural and millenary wisdom that they still practice in the Wayuu world. This location scenario - the place where the researcher is located - is taken to position his or her feelings, after reflecting on the social and cultural realities of mortality and morbidity of Wayuu boys and girls due to poor nutrition in the Department of La Guajira, the result of which aims to redefine the meaning of Wayuu medicine to substantively reach the elusive “endogenous development” in daily Wayuu life.
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Paz Ipuana, Ramón (2016). Ale’eya. Cosmovisión wayuu. Relatos Sagrados. Tomo I. Fondo editorial
Wayuu Araurayu. Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia.
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Perrín, Michel (1978). El Camino de los Indios Muertos. Mitos y símbolos guajiros. Payot Bibliothé-
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Proyecto Político Zona Norte Extrema de la Alta Guajira (2019). 1er. Congreso e’irukuu. Documento
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Fuente oral
Narración Marta González Montiel y Outshii A’laülayuu
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Copyright (c) 2019 Gabriel Iguarán Montiel