This research explores the digital skills necessary for the formulation of formative research projects using artificial intelligence (AI) tools within the TECSIS Research Seedbed. A qualitative, experimental, analytical, and descriptive methodology is employed to characterize these skills and assess their impact on the efficiency, communication, and decision-making in the project formulation process. The results reveal that digital skills, specifically operational, formal, informational, and strategic, play a crucial role in the effective implementation of AI tools, such as chatbots and natural language processing software. These findings are based on interviews and focus groups conducted with students, whose transcripts are included as appendices to reinforce the validation of the results. Additionally, an AI tools bank is developed and validated in the field, highlighting the importance of these tools in the innovation and competitive advantage of research projects. The dissemination of the findings is carried out through posters and oral presentations, emphasizing the need to integrate advanced digital skills into the training of researchers.
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