The human-nature relationship in the 21st century is relevant not only because it has a global western scientific history of explanations of the origin of the world and of humanity. But also because not everything has been said in the order of explanations and analyses that have problematized the dualistic, scientific and dichotomous conceptions that revolve around the human-nature relationship. Consequently, the objective of this article is to present the preliminary results of a research that seeks to analyze the human-nature relationship in the context of ecocidal and colonial realities, from an intercultural/decolonial approach developed in Abya Yala and Wallmapu. Finally, the documentary research allowed us to conclude preliminarily that the human-nature relationship is inscribed in the oral story of the native peoples, who are interpreters of the agencies of the natures violated by capitalist humanity and at the same time defenders of their material and immaterial rights.
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