The rise of the New Wave movement in the traditional folk music of Colombia called vallenato, brings with it new logics, identities, hybridizations and aesthetic charge effect in that the new space for that music is now the city and not the field, young people and less adults, globalization and not the local, media and cultural mediations and not the relationship face-to-face of the folk. New logics and mediations as a musical bricolage, equalization, the revival, the consumer as a multicultural gourmet or hermeneutist are ingredients that create a new context in which the popular musics move and this is no stranger, the vallenato music. This is discussed in this essay to demonstrate the profound changes occurring in the new wave vallenata is subject of new esthetics that are unavoidable in these times of globalization and that if these are understood would give meaning to the expression sound of our young people.
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