Ocean upwelling – A persistent oceanographic phenomenon of La Guajira peninsula
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Ocean upwelling

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Muller-Karger , F. (2023). Ocean upwelling – A persistent oceanographic phenomenon of La Guajira peninsula. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 10(1), e8091877. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8091877




Upwelling in the ocean is a phenomenon that has long captured the attention of scientists and local communities around the world. Upwelling is the process by which deeper water, sometimes at depths much deeper than 100 meters, is forced upward toward the surface by action of winds or currents. The amount of energy to move water and salt from those depths to the surface, over linear distances that often exceed hundreds or thousands of kilometers and areas that span several tens to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, is staggering. With those motions, entire ecosystems and millions of living and dead organisms are turned over in the oceanic water column as well.

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