New educational scenarios in discreet math working with JFLAP
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Software jflap
lenguajes artificiales
lenguajes autómatas

How to Cite

Oliva, E., Diaz Oghas , M., Molina , A., & Alonso , N. (2020). New educational scenarios in discreet math working with JFLAP. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 7(2), e086. Retrieved from


Information and communication technologies (ICT) allow greater interactivity between teachers and students, and promote the emergence of new scenarios for learning. Humanity communicates with natural languages; and with machines through artificial languages. Theoretical Computing is based on a mathematical base derived from Algebra. It is one of the objectives of the subject of Discrete Mathematics that students can formalize notions related to mathematics and computing, emphasizing the study of formal languages ​​and automata. This proposal compares the construction of the deterministic finite automaton that responds to a certain language, made by hand and with Jflap software; that "in appearance" they are different, but with theoretical interventions it was possible to conclude that they were equivalent.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Elisa Oliva, Mathias Diaz Oghas , Ana Molina , Nancy Alonso


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