Ecology and application of secondary metabolites of the genera Dictyota, Padina and Sargassum (Phaeophyta)
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Brown macroalgae
Natural products
Algal biotechnology

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Montes Lozano , M., & Zuñiga Pichón , J. (2018). Ecology and application of secondary metabolites of the genera Dictyota, Padina and Sargassum (Phaeophyta). Ciencia E Ingeniería, 5(1), e065. Retrieved from


Tha macroalgae belongs to division Phaeophyta presents an important ecological feature for being participants on the ecosystemic structuration, mainly by the secondary metabolites production that can control their consumption by the herbivores even affect other competitor macroalgae species with whom they cohabit. Production of this metabolites are the technological base of the human being in areas as medicine, food and cosmetic, even though other potential uses have been studied. Inside the brown macroalgae the genera Dictyota, Padina and Sargassum are the most richness in species inside the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, just like they are some of the most used by the human being. The present work is a bibliographical review about the ecology and actual or potential application of secondary metabolites in this genera of Phaeophyta, with a focus that goes from the production and effects of they in the environment, until the uses that have been given and the research for its potential application in biotechnology and industry.

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