It has been elaborated cheeses using different proportions of fresh milk, skimming whey, Nano filtered whey and cream. It was determined the performance, the pH, and the content of both protein and oil in the obtained cheeses, afterwards the sensory evaluation was effected on ea. The use of mixes of fresh milk and Nano filtered improved the curds efficiency a 12.05%, as well as it increased the protein and oil content a 14.75% and a 36% respectively. Admittedly an excellent acceptation of the product was observed. The variance analysis showed different significant on the treatment effects about the physicochemical variables and the performance as well. In the obtained results of the analysis of the pH was found that the lowest values were found in the cheeses that were made with higher proportion of milk than whey, as skimming whey as the Nano filtered one. The cheeses that showed major percentages of protein and performance were the ones which were made of higher amount of milk and Nano filtered whey. Moreover, this indicates that the Nano filtered provides more solids amounts, manifested in a major performance. The tests of the multiple comparisons of averages for the sensory variables demonstrated that the cheeses which presented the highest grading belonged to those ones that were made with a higher content of milk and Nano filtered whey. The mixtures with Nano filtered whey provided cheeses with major acceptance, better performance and higher content of both protein and whey, than the ones belonging to the mixtures which used skimming whey. This result allows to recommend the Nano filtration as an use alternative of the whey from diaries for the exploitation of the whey proteins in other types of cheese, owing to that may be reduced the costs of production to get a new product within a diary industry.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Sandra Daza Orsini , Oscar Lindo Oñate