Methodologys for the simulation of fluid dynamics in an internal combustion engine through SolidWorks

Methodologys for the simulation of fluid dynamics in an internal combustion engine through SolidWorks




computational fluid dynamic, Navier Stokes equations, Alternative internal combustion engine, intake stroke, exhaust stroke


The computational representation of the fluid dynamic effects during the interaction between air as a working fluid and the different geometries that make up the intake and exhaust strokes in an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations using previously unpublished SolidWorks Flow Simulation (SWFS) is reported in this work. For which it was necessary to understand the requirements of the SWFS configuration process, adapt the initial and boundary conditions proposed in bibliographic precedents, and use an ICE geometry housed in a freely accessible geometric database. In the results it was possible to expose the characteristics of the working fluid inside the cylinder for various intake and exhaust valve openings in terms of key variables such as pressure, mass flow and speed fields called Swirl and Tumble; through validation it was possible to show that the proposed methodologies represent the fluid dynamics of air with a high level of convergence according to works reported in the literature.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Calderón Gutiérrez , Universidad de La Guajira

Ingeniero mecánico

Universidad de La Guajira

Grupo de investigación DESTACAR, semillero de investigación SEDISSES

Leonardo Redondo Guerra, Universidad de La Guajira

Ingeniero mecánico

Universidad de La Guajira

Grupo de investigación DESTACAR, semillero de investigación SEDISSES

Robert Macías Naranjo, Universidad Nacional


Universidad Nacional

Grupo de investigación TAYEA

Fainer Cerpa Olivera , Universidad de La Guajira

Ingeniero mecánico

Universidad de La Guajira

Grupo de investigación DESTACAR

Gail Gutiérrez Ramirez , Universidad de La Guajira

Doctor en ingeniería

Universidad de La Guajira

Grupo de investigación DESTACAR

Coordinador semillero de investigación SEDISSES


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How to Cite

Calderón Gutiérrez , I., Redondo Guerra, L., Macías Naranjo, R., Cerpa Olivera , F., & Gutiérrez Ramirez , G. (2023). Methodologys for the simulation of fluid dynamics in an internal combustion engine through SolidWorks. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 10(1), e8091885.