Anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in Perna viridis (LINNAEUS, 1758), pre-expuesto to used vehicle crankcase oil

Anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in Perna viridis (LINNAEUS, 1758), pre-expuesto to used vehicle crankcase oil




Mollusk, Bivalve, Anoxia, Biotransformation, Glycolytic


The green mussel Perna viridis, has the ability to fluctuate between the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism to adapt to the environment; and bioacumular xenobiotics, by what is used as a pollution biosensor. Its physiological response to changes in abiotic factors,) associated with polluted environments has been studied little. By what was evaluated the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in muscle, mantle, gills of P. viridis, pre-exposure sublethal doses of water soluble fraction of used vehicle engine oil (FHAUMV). Juveniles (2,5 – 4 cms), were pre-exposure (7d) to 1%-5% of FHAUMV, followed by a period of anoxia (48h) and recovery in normoxia (72h). The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione S-transferase (GST), pyruvate kinase (PK), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxikinasa (PEPKC) and cytochrome C oxidase (CCO) were measured in each tissue, as indicators of oxidative stress and cellular energetic metabolism alteration. As results were obtained FHAUMV increased the peroxidative damage of membrane and negatively affected the activity of all enzymes, by varying the response of each fabric according to their physiological functions; not so for the GST, enzyme that has great variation in their functional specificity. The FHAUMV is potentially toxic on the biological system that determines the tolerance of P. viridis to anoxia and its recovery in normoxia, decreasing its survival and causing its death.



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Author Biographies

Iliana Martínez Gil , Universidad de Oriente

MSc en Ciencias Marinas

Universidad de Oriente

Cumana, Venezuela

Osmar Nusetti Cárdenas , Universidad de Oriente

PhD en Bioquímica. Universidad de Manitoba, Canadá

Investigador, Departamento de Biología, Escuela de Ciencias

Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Venezuela


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How to Cite

Martínez Gil , I., & Nusetti Cárdenas , O. (2023). Anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in Perna viridis (LINNAEUS, 1758), pre-expuesto to used vehicle crankcase oil. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 10(1), e8091883.