Solar roads: sustainable alternative for road infrastructure

Solar roads: sustainable alternative for road infrastructure


  • Camila Chaparro Brito Universidad de La Guajira
  • Nathalis Peña Rodríguez Universidad de La Guajira
  • Hobber Berrio Caballero Universidad de La Guajira
  • Andrés Vides Prado Universidad de La Guajira



renewables energies, solar road, solar pavement, power generation, sustainability, road infrastructure


The purpose of this article is to reflect on solar roads as an alternative for the sustainability of road infrastructure. The structure of this study is based on the post-positivist approach supported by the hermeneutical method in a theoretical documentary context, taking the exhaustive review of official databases that allowed a consultation of more than 30 scientific articles and thesis works related to solar roads, the design of the photovoltaic pavement structure, as well as the analysis of developed projects, the advantages, and disadvantages. The prototypes have conducted structural studies to support the same dynamic loads of conventional pavement. In short, studies of solar roads as an alternative for the sustainability of road infrastructure are under development, therefore, this work will be especially useful for future research, by defining a theoretical starting point that contrasts advances in this technology, Likewise, the analysis of a sustainable option to reduce the environmental damage caused by conventional roads.


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Author Biographies

Camila Chaparro Brito , Universidad de La Guajira

Ingeniera civil. Universidad de La Guajira, Colombia

Nathalis Peña Rodríguez , Universidad de La Guajira

Ingeniera civil. Universidad de La Guajira, Colombia

Hobber Berrio Caballero, Universidad de La Guajira,

Dr. Ciencias gerenciales. Facultad de ingeniería, Universidad de La Guajira. Colombia

Andrés Vides Prado , Universidad de La Guajira

Magister en energías renovables en sistemas eléctricos. Facultad de ingeniería, Universidad de La Guajira. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Chaparro Brito , C., Peña Rodríguez , N., Berrio Caballero, H., & Vides Prado , A. (2022). Solar roads: sustainable alternative for road infrastructure. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 9(2), e7460792.