Wildlife roadkills ocurrence in a stretch of road from Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia

Wildlife roadkills ocurrence in a stretch of road from Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia





ecological barriers, environmental transformation factors, loss of biodiversity, loss of the natural hábitat, land uses


During 12 samples on a 6 km stretch of highway, principal communication route between the Caribbean region (Route 90) and the municipal seat of Dibulla, La Guajira, the occurrence of roadskills on vertebrate wildlife was registered. 98 specimens of vertebrates were observed, which were represented by 8 Mammals, 2 Birds, 45 Reptiles and, 43 Amphibians. The most diverse and representative group, due to their roadskills records, were snakes, in which the Leptodeira annulata species stands out as the one with the highest frequency of roadskill. A total run over rate of 1.36 individuals / kilometer day of travel was recorded, being one of the wildlife run over rates with the highest record, in relation to other studies carried out in the Colombian Caribbean. Comparisons were made between sections of roads and covers, obtaining that there are no significant statistical differences (p> 0.05), the medians related to the collisions of vertebrates present in covers with greater structural complexity (fragmented forest and wooded pastures), while, the most homogeneous covers, in their structure, presented lower records of run over, with significant differences between pairs of covers (p <0.05). The need for studies of this type is highlighted to estimate the effects of roads on biodiversity, mainly that present in the Caribbean of Colombia, in addition to unifying the sampling procedures for this type of study. 


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Author Biographies

Irma Tamayo Lopez , Universidad de La Guajira

Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, laboratorio de Ciencias Biológicas

Grupo de investigación en Ecología, Biodiversidad en Ecosistemas Tropicales - EBET


Laidis Camargo-Gonzales , Universidad de La Guajira

Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, laboratorio de Ciencias Biológicas

Grupo de investigación en Ecología, Biodiversidad en Ecosistemas Tropicales - EBET


Julio Acuña-Vargas , Universidad de La Guajira

Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, laboratorio de Ciencias Biológicas

Grupo de investigación en Ecología, Biodiversidad en Ecosistemas Tropicales - EBET


*Autor de correspondencia


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How to Cite

Tamayo Lopez , I., Camargo-Gonzales , L., & Acuña-Vargas , J. (2022). Wildlife roadkills ocurrence in a stretch of road from Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 9(1), e6722334. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6722334