Characterization of fungy that produce lipase enzymes

Characterization of fungy that produce lipase enzymes


  • Orlis Amaya Mejía Universidad de La Guajira
  • Arnold Díaz Morales Universidad de La Guajira



Lipolitic fungi, biosynthesis, isolation, organic matter


Fungi are abundant and widely distributed organisms in nature, they are responsible for natural cycles of nutrient replacement; its growth and metabolic processes can be used for human and ecological benefit in the synthesis of a variety of molecules with interesting chemical-biological properties. This review article presents an analysis of the main fungi that produce lipase enzymes, with the main objective of characterizing the microorganisms that have the capacity to produce lipases for biotechnological uses, thus determining the lipolytic activity and productivity of these enzymes; Therefore, literature from different authors is reviewed, stating that the genus Aspergillus sp is one of the best producers of this type of enzyme, these biological catalysts being very useful in biotechnological processes, occupying the vast majority of the world market for enzymes.


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Author Biographies

Orlis Amaya Mejía , Universidad de La Guajira

Grupo de investigación Biotecnología

Arnold Díaz Morales , Universidad de La Guajira


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How to Cite

Amaya Mejía , O., & Díaz Morales , A. (2022). Characterization of fungy that produce lipase enzymes. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 9(1), e6708445.