Marine litter and microplastics: emerging contaminants presents in sediments of an urban beach in eastern Venezuela

Marine litter and microplastics: emerging contaminants presents in sediments of an urban beach in eastern Venezuela




coastal sediments, beaches, microplastics, plastic pollution, plastic contamination


Plastics are a fundamental part of everyday life due to their versatility and low cost. However, their waste is causing concern due to their accumulation in the marine-coastal environment. In order to compare the content of plastics in the sediments of two sectors of the San Luis beach (Sucre state), a sampling was carried out during the dry season. For this purpose, three 100 m transects were delimited, where 5 equidistant points were located for sample collection. The sediments were dried at room temperature, separated into granulometric fractions and observed with 10x magnifying glasses. The fine sediments and the coarse sediments already observed were then treated with a saturated NaCl solution to separate plastics by density. The plastics were classified according to their size, shape and color. The results indicated the presence of macro, meso and microplastics in all samples and a higher abundance of plastic particles in sector A, since sector B is more crowded and is subject to frequent cleaning due to the services it offers. Fragments and fibers were the most common forms, highlighting the influence of fishing and urban activities.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Carolina Gamboa , Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre Clodosbaldo Russián (UPTOSCR)

Grupo de investigación Geoquímica Aplicada

Carlos Pinto, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre Clodosbaldo Russián (UPTOSCR)

Gabriel Gutiérrez , Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre Clodosbaldo Russián (UPTOSCR)

José Ramírez , Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre Clodosbaldo Russián (UPTOSCR)


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How to Cite

Carolina Gamboa , A., Pinto, C., Gutiérrez , G., & Ramírez , J. (2022). Marine litter and microplastics: emerging contaminants presents in sediments of an urban beach in eastern Venezuela. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 9(1), e6706296.