Some Ecological Interactions of Polyquets in the Colombian Caribbean Sea: Review

Some Ecological Interactions of Polyquets in the Colombian Caribbean Sea: Review




annelida, association, bentos, diversity


Polychaetes are worms mainly characterized by the presence of setae on their bodies, sensory organs in the protostomium and peristomium, and in some groups, filamentous plumes that help filter organic matter suspended in the water; The most notable importance of polychaetes is that they reflect different degrees of contamination in the ecosystem. The present work shows a review of multiple documents that show some commensal, parasitic, mutualistic interactions and their relationship polychaetes-physicochemical variables in the Colombian Caribbean Sea in order to know the information gaps present in the group and to be able to generate knowledge from these. Information is collected from multiple journals such as Acta Biológica Colombiana of the National University of Colombia and databases such as the Juan Roa library of the Universidad del Bosque. It was found that polychaetes have a tendency to prefer organisms of the same taxonomic group, the best known are among the cnidarians, porifera and echinoderms as well as commensalists, parasites or mutualists, representing a little more than 290 species with this interaction. In conclusion, the fact that this group should be much more studied in order to continue enriching the diversity of our country and knowing its fauna is evident.


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Author Biographies

Yofre Guerra G., Universidad de La Guajira

Programa de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas Universidad de La Guajira, Grupo de Investigación BIEMARC y semillero Ecosistemas.

Geomar Molina B. , Universidad de La Guajira

Programa de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas Universidad de La Guajira, Grupo de Investigación BIEMARC, Riohacha- La Guajira, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Guerra G., Y., & Molina B. , G. (2022). Some Ecological Interactions of Polyquets in the Colombian Caribbean Sea: Review. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 9(1), e6658595.