Polya method: an alternative in solving mathematical problems

Polya method: an alternative in solving mathematical problems


  • Darwing Oliveros Cuello Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Luzmidian Martínez Valera Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Andrés Barrios Bolaño Universidad Simón Bolívar




Problem Solving, Understanding, George Polya Methodology


The present document is the result of the work of the researchers of a quasi-experiment whose objective was the application of the Methodology of George Polya in the improvement of the academic performance of the students of ninth grade, of secondary basic education of two Educational Institutions of the District from Barranquilla; In addition, where the student also develops understanding and Metacognition. That is why the researchers propose the use of the implementation of the methodology of Polya an alternative problem solving from the sixth grade of secondary education shown through a problem situation contextualized the development of logical-mathematical thinking, making use of the meta cognitive processes. The research yielded promising results in the levels of understanding and performance, in addition, it was demonstrated that the phases of the Polya methodology: Identify the Problem, Prepare the Plan, Implement the Strategy to solve the problem and make a Retrospective View of it; they help to stimulate reading comprehension, motivate the student to solve contextualized problems and force the teacher to use didactic techniques, different from the operationalization of mathematics.


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How to Cite

Oliveros Cuello , D., Martínez Valera , L., & Barrios Bolaño , A. (2021). Polya method: an alternative in solving mathematical problems. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 8(2), e5716273. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5716273