Alignment of emerging technologies to the business strategy

Alignment of emerging technologies to the business strategy


  • Gina Margarita Baeza
  • Luis Recio
  • Roberto Porto Solano



Technology, Emerging, Enterprise architecture


Technological development has been very dizzying in recent decades, this brings with it new ways of doing things in the business environment. For some organizations the decision is made to be reactive and others decide to take risks in the implementation of technologies that are in an incipient stage of maturity. For each case there are considerations that can help in making the decision; However, these considerations are not limited to the scope of the business itself, but some globally available technologies, including ICT, become a really decisive factor in being able to withstand the onslaught of competition, which, today and thanks to the same technological development is not limited to the geographical. This, in turn, turns into new opportunities.


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Cisco Systems. (2007). Cisco Systems, Inc. 2006 Annual Report. San Jose, California, USA.

Comisión de regulación de las comunicaciones. (2009). Informe trimestral Marzo. Bogotá.

Comisión de Regulación de Telecomunicaciones. (2006). Informe semestral internet segundo semestre de 2005. Bogotá.

Greiner, L. (1998). commentary and revision of HBR Classic, "Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow". Hardvard Business Review.

Koontz, H., & Weihrich, H. (1990). Administración (3.a ed.) (E. González, Trad.). Mc Graw Hill.

Porter, M. (2009). Ser competitivo. Planeta.



How to Cite

Margarita Baeza , G., Recio , L., & Porto Solano , R. (2021). Alignment of emerging technologies to the business strategy. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 8(2), e5579394.