Design of a convolutional neural network trained for the classification of epidermoid cancer in the human body

Design of a convolutional neural network trained for the classification of epidermoid cancer in the human body


  • Roberto Porto Solano Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántico
  • José Molina Doctor en ciencias de la informática, UC3M, Grupo de investigación GIAA
  • Fernando Dávila Aguilar Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Jocotitlán
  • Diego Noriega Izquierdo Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántica



CNN, Parameter variation, Classification, Cancer, Squamous, Learning


In this research, different models of Convolutional Neural Networks were created, varying the filter parameters and times in order to improve learning about the different classes of the set of images. Likewise, the set of images was subdivided into training, test and validation images, the latter to verify the efficiency in the classification of the created model which presented an efficiency of 87.5% and which is close to the best found in the literature.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Porto Solano, Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántico

MSc en ingeniería de sistemas, Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántico, Grupo de Investigación Gigetic

Fernando Dávila Aguilar , Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Jocotitlán

Estudiante, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Jocotitlán

Diego Noriega Izquierdo, Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántica

Estudiante del programa de ingeniería de sistemas, Universidad Politécnico Costa Atlántica


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How to Cite

Porto Solano, R., Molina , J., Dávila Aguilar , F., & Noriega Izquierdo, D. (2021). Design of a convolutional neural network trained for the classification of epidermoid cancer in the human body. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 8(1), e5500704.