Digital repository an alternative to university research

Digital repository an alternative to university research


  • Hamilton Garcia Castro Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Yimy Barros Farfan Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Raul Maya Pabon Universidad Popular del Cesar


Knowñedge management, Technologies, ICT, Repository, Digital


The current social dynamics has been influenced by the advances that have occurred in the knowledge society and the globalized world, in relation to technology, which is why it is sought in the educational environment to promote the generation of knowledge through activation of scientific research. In this way, innovation and intellectual resources have become an important part of solving the problems that arise in society today, which is why organizations promote investment in knowledge and new technologies such as a guarantee of having better results in production and strategies adjusted to the reality of each country.


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How to Cite

Garcia Castro, H., Barros Farfan , Y., & Maya Pabon , R. (2019). Digital repository an alternative to university research. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 6(2), e080. Retrieved from