Social impact assessment of the natural resource fauna of wetland Coroncoro

Social impact assessment of the natural resource fauna of wetland Coroncoro


  • Jorge Obando Bastidas
  • Aldemar Franco
  • Rosa Torres Pérez


Valoración social, Fauna del Coroncoro, Humedal el Coroncoro


Forest cover, features that have been exploited by humans in processes like (Livestock farming, agriculture and urbanization) those processes finally affected this natural wealth and in a long term can affect people’s quality of life. Necessitating the identification and quantification of the social value of natural resource fauna, from a method of valuation about tangible and intangible, it means those benefits that are measured using methodologies focused on the market for natural resources (marketable assets) and through custom Likert surveys, that allowed measuring the value of "non-marketable" associated with scenic, cultural, recreational and historical among others of that ecosystem service, thus allowing to assess the perception of enjoyment of peace, the rides, exotic beauty, natural beauty and harmonious sounds Wetland. A survey to everyone who came to visit the wetland for a month was applied, giving a sample of 80 people and its application permitted recognize qualifications and feelings from the fauna of Wetland Coroncoro generated in the community surrounding the wetland, which could be analyzed to this Social community that this this wetland has value.


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How to Cite

Obando Bastidas, J., Franco, A., & Torres Pérez , R. (2017). Social impact assessment of the natural resource fauna of wetland Coroncoro. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 4(2), e062. Retrieved from