Payback in TI vs cyber organizacional

Payback in TI vs cyber organizacional


  • Helmer Muñoz Hernández
  • Freddy Moreno Garay
  • Luis Restrepo Jiméne


Cibernétuca, Dinámica, Valor, Innovación


In developing this article seeks to relate two concepts: Return on IT investment vs organizational cybernetics, which identifies the value of the business remains the standard for return on investment in organizations through IT and clearly senses the importance of organizational cybernetics as control and support to companies through technology and human capital. The use of IT in business is unquestionable, in which for many companies generate most investment in they influence demonstrating that a genuine strategy for IT governance exists, obtained to create value within the organization and generating confident enough in the implementation of these. The implant technology means generating change. When we talk about change we speak of people. Must identify and search for a directly proportional to favorably the two concepts within an organization, it is what engages me in the present document.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Hernández , H., Moreno Garay, F., & Restrepo Jiméne , L. (2017). Payback in TI vs cyber organizacional. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 4(1), e056. Retrieved from