Web tool for the measurement of the carbon footprint in a university academic unit

Web tool for the measurement of the carbon footprint in a university academic unit


  • Yasmin Moya Villa
  • Benjamín Torres Cabarcas
  • Raúl Martelo Gomez


Huella de Carbono, Software, CO2, Java Server Pages (JSP)


This document presents and analyzes the concept of the carbon footprint, its origin and the tools to quantify it. In the framework of the project developed, the software tool was developed that allows the calculation of the carbon footprint to determine the CO2 index (carbon dioxide) emitted by a university academic unit. It was defined as a practical case the System Engineering program of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cartagena face-to-face modality, in the development of its academic and administrative activities. The software tool was implemented on a web platform and was developed using Java Server Pages (JSP) technology, all supported under the use of information and communication technologies, to collaborate in the dissemination of results and suggestions for the institution.


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How to Cite

Moya Villa , Y., Torres Cabarcas , B., & Martelo Gomez , R. (2016). Web tool for the measurement of the carbon footprint in a university academic unit. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 3(2), e047. Retrieved from http://revistas.uniguajira.edu.co/rev/index.php/ceiantigua/article/view/e047

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