Weather status estimation using numerical WRF and GFS models for an early warning system before extreme climate events

Weather status estimation using numerical WRF and GFS models for an early warning system before extreme climate events


  • Jacitp Ramón Valencia
  • Jordi Palacios González


Pronóstico, SATC, Modelos numéricos, Monitoreo, Imágenes satelitales, Eventos climatológicos extremos


The meteorological forecast estimates the behavior of atmospheric conditions in the event of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and forest fires. A forecast provides information to actively plan and prepare for weather events. These events impact the activities carried out by the general public and also by the different socio-economic sectors. For the estimation of the weather, the data provided by the SATC (Early Warning System for extreme weather events) are taken to which a proper treatment is done, mixing it with satellite images and numerical models WRF and GFS for later analysis corresponding to each meteorological variable, Providing the daily meteorological bulletin which is composed by the weather forecast for the upper, middle and lower part of the Norte de Santander department and the daily monitoring of flows and heights of the rivers Laplata, Cucutilla, Pamplonita, Peralonso. The main objective is to analyze and generate valid information daily for people living in Norte de Santander, companies, researchers, the agricultural sector and people responsible for acting, mitigating, preventing and attending extreme weather events, because with this information they can take decisions in each of its areas.


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How to Cite

Ramón Valencia , J., & Palacios González , J. (2016). Weather status estimation using numerical WRF and GFS models for an early warning system before extreme climate events. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 3(2), e044. Retrieved from