Statistical criteria and application of new software is the fundamental base for development of economic and social productive goats and sheep in the municipality of Riohacha, department of La Guajira, Colombia

Statistical criteria and application of new software is the fundamental base for development of economic and social productive goats and sheep in the municipality of Riohacha, department of La Guajira, Colombia


  • Atenaida Quintero Bueno
  • Sulmira Medina Payares
  • Atenaida Mengual Quintero


Statistical criteria, software knowledge, goat-sheep, scenarios, optimal scaling


The agricultural sector in Colombia is a scene of great global appeal for foreign direct investment. Colombia is an agricultural country par excellence, also has 1,142,000 1,088,000 farms sheep and goat farms, according to census conducted by the (ICA) 2012, La Guajira department is the largest goat and sheep production in the country goats consumption is estimated at 82% and 18% of sheep (ICA 2012). The aim is to identify from the statistical criteria new software and knowledge, leading indicators that affect the productive, economic and social development of goats and sheep in the town of Riohacha. This research was developed in four stages: (conveyors producers, intermediaries and consumers), on the other hand highlights indicators of sale, productive-reproductive system, and some factors that affect the production of this species as poor system power, stopping their socio-cultural and organizational traditions, lack of potable water, electricity, technical assistance and little attention from public and private entities, among other factors. 334 were analyzed satisfactory results were observed with the application of software for multidimensional analysis, optimal scaling, (CATPCA) in mixed variables, (ACM) in categorical variables and self-organizing Kohonen (SOM) maps.


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How to Cite

Quintero Bueno , A., Medina Payares, S., & Mengual Quintero, A. (2015). Statistical criteria and application of new software is the fundamental base for development of economic and social productive goats and sheep in the municipality of Riohacha, department of La Guajira, Colombia. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 2(2), e028. Retrieved from